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About Me

What you should know about me

Finnish citizen - born in Austria - creative all-rounder




Actually I represent the region of my origin - the Alps where three nations meet - quite well: Austrian birth place, Italian first name (with a "K", though) and Slovenian maiden name (Vidmar). In other words, multiple reasons why I had to learn spelling my name at a very early age... which of course I hated to do, because I had to do it EVERY TIME, as especially the last name gave room for many different (wrong) versions... That was one of the reasons why I kept my plain common "100% German language" surname after my marriage ended (it means "weaver", referring to the profession, in German speaking nations as common as Smith or Jones). However, now in Finland, once again I need to spell my pretty exotic name for this region... not so much for Sweden, though, therefore some people start addressing me in Swedish when they see or hear my name.... 



According to my parents, I picked up drawing before I could walk... they got worried when the "walking" stage didn't start when it should have, so they took me to a doc. His diagnosis: "Nothing wrong with her, she's just lazy". Eventually I started walking soon afterwards, spontaneously, when I tried to catch birds in the park. An early sign that any kinds of sports - I'm not lazy, it's just not my thing.


About age 4 I stunned my family by reading out loud the Austrian news channel logo: "Zeit im Bild". Nobody had pushed me to pick up reading, and of course I do not remember how I managed to do it myself; common theory: I didn't own many books as a kid, so I knew every single word by heart, plus I pestered people to spell out and write down words for me, e.g. my name, or "Shakespeare" (no idea where that came from). Still a book addict


... and still loving theater, which also started in pre-school age: I built my own puppet theater out of cardboard and my puppets out of cloth (bodies) and toilet paper rolls (heads), giving 100% improvised performances to my cousins. Many many years later I ended up working in theaters on and behind stages - and still love that, too.


(Self) published author & cartoonist by age 8:  My first Science Fiction story, a Star Trek parody, hand-written in my homework ledger, was handed over to several class mates to read. About the same time I created a B/W pencil Sherlock Holmes spoof cartoon - unfortunately both originals got lost in the "publishing/circulation" process. Learning from this mistake, my next publishing endeavour involved producing copies, for which I was granted access to the school's transfer printer. By then I had taught myself how to use a typewriter and multi-colour matrix paper - still oblivious to the fact that professions like "journalism" or "editor / publisher" even existed. Still enjoying music journalism, as editor-in-chief of

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Always eager
to learn 

e.g. Finnish

Woman" !


Da meine Muttersprache Deutsch ist, hab ich kurz über eine zweisprachige Seite nachgedacht, entschied mich dann doch für Englisch.


Asun jo melkein 20 vuotta Suomessa ja olen kansalainen - mutta päätin pitää tätä sivuston sisältöä melkein kokonaan Englanniksi.


I decided to keep this page almost entirely in English, although versions in German and Finnish could have been possible, too. 

Work Experience

Work Experience

8 / 2021 - 11 / 2022

Pääkaupungin Kierrätyskeskus Oy, materiaalitukku:

  • sorting, labelling and pricing recycling material 

  • in-store customer service

  • packing and shipping online orders

  • storage and shelving

  • weekly reporting on material circulation


1 - 3 / 2020


Ferratum Group marketing internship:

  • website optimization in content and SEO perspective

  • updating and improving blog posts of the group

  • coordinating with IT, regional marketing teams and the German country manager initiatives and improvements of the current web presence

  • translating other marketing related content to CRM campaigns

  • putting new content, weblinks, landing pages and blog pages into test environment before going into production



5 / 2017 -  Today


Freelance SEO optimized content copywriter for Ceramex Media GmbH Germany (remote office); e.g. Hilfreiche Tools, Krankschreibung, Bwl-Lerntipps, Eigentumswohnung



1 / 2006 -  Today


Chief Editor; Feelance Journalist, Freelance Photographer

(non-profit) for 

Rock / Metal / Indie music & lifestyle online magazine, following the former online music magazine and STALKER print magazine



8 / 2015 - 9 / 2017


School assistant, tutor (part-time) for Seure Oy, Beanet Oy, English School Helsinki, Valteri Helsinki (internships)

  • teaching and supervising at elementary schools

  • personal assistant to special needs children



10 / 2010 - 6 / 2012


Project coordinator for Vammaisten lasten ja nuorten tukisäätiö in Helsinki

  • design and implementation of culture project for special needs youth

  • contact and coordination between cooperating parties

  • organizing, realizing and documenting events (photo, video, DVD)



8 / 2008 - 1 / 2014


Office Manager & promoter for Eepinen Oy publishing / TUHMA Records (part-time) in Helsinki

  • customer service (in person, via telephone and e-mail)

  • billing, book keeping, mailing, office & data administration, archives

  • PR, media contact, travel arrangements, royalty accounting, company presentation at sales fairs and events


In Austria:


freelance journalist, illustrator and photographer for local and international weekly / monthly magazines and daily newspapers (youth, culture & arts, regional pages)


actress: Südkärntner Sommerspiele Eberndorf, Studiobühne Villach, various independent and / or improvisation groups


actress, prompter, production assistant: Stadttheater Klagenfurt


radio show host and DJ: „For Those About To Rock“, Radio Agora 


volunteer work leading journalism workshops for youth, as promoter of festivals and local concerts





9 - 12 / 2019

the shortcut Catalyst Program, Digitalization Edition
The program consisted of 350 hours in topics such as:
Marketing strategies, Google Analytics, SEO, GTM, Data Studio



8 / 2015 – 6 / 2016

AMIEDU, Helsinki: School assistant education 

(Koulunkäynnin ja aamu- ja iltapäivätoiminnan ohjauksen ammattitutkinto)

Content: instruction on e. g. educational science, early child education (first - second graders), afternoon club organization and leadership, first aid, health issues, assistance for special needs children; 3 internships á 6 weeks

9 / 2007 - 4 / 2008

OMNIA aikuiskoulu, Espoo: tourism, entertainment business

(Matkailualan perustutkinto, viihdepalveluiden avainhenkilöstö-koulutus)

Content: instruction on e.g. tourism and travel industry, tourist service provider business, receptionist and bar tender work, safety procedures, AMADEUS booking program, Hygieniapassi, Anniskelupassi

9 / 1995 – 10 / 2000

Master of Arts

Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

University of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA (January - May 1998)

English and American Studies (linguistics, literature) and Media Communication (media science, media analysis, media production)

in USA e.g. film and theater history, script writing, TV  studio internship

In my MA thesis I analyse and compare Himmel über Berlin and City of Angels in many different aspects (shape, style, script, structure etc). Especially my use of the "Western structure" I had encountered during my studies in the USA was noticed as quite unique by my professors in Austria.

Contact Me

Contact Me

Hämeentie 81-83 A9

00550  Helsinki

Tel: +358-44-5822465

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