... this time it's about #photography. For me it was very revealing to realize that even with a cheap no-name digital camera it is possible to produce quite appealing results.
Although some time ago, in 2002, I remember how cold it was - there had been frost in the morning; sometimes it felt that my fingers freeze to the metal buttons of the camera (as I preferred to use it without gloves); for some #photos I stretched out on the half-frozen ground... Worth it, I was really pleased with the result, and all those fantastic colors of a #Finnish autumn season.
There was one major disappointment for me when some were accepted for a book:
The publication "Friedhöfe Europas" (Orkus Verlag) went entirely with B/W photos. You can still find copies of this book online, e.g. HERE
Therefore I can almost call it a world premiere - a selection of my autumn 2002 photo shoot of the most famous graveyard in #Helsinki, #HietaniemenHautausmaa. Also a beautiful park next to a sandy beach / seaside trail (see photo above), hence a recommendation to visit.
Below a video file (I tried to keep small, hence lower resolution), original music provided by my friend Tommi Salomaa. If you like what you hear, check out more of Tommi's music via Spotify or Youtube (and welcome to buy stuff too).